Getting Ready for the Austin Capitol 10K
Unlike other big races, there's no prize moeny to attract a bunch of elite runners. But this race has always been more of a festival rather than an super competitive event.
The Austin Statesman interviewed the 1997 male and female winner. Their times have yet to be broken as of last year. The male winner, Len Sitko, won with a time of 29:49. The female winner, Natalie Linam, won with a time of 33:43.
I thought maybe the weather may have contributed to these times so I searched for the weather on this date. First, I didn't have a record about its exact date. After some searching I found that it was on April 6th, 1997. Then I found the Austin weather on this date at Weather Underground.
It turns out that it wasn't too cool. Temperature at 8:53am was 63F, 56% humidity, and clear skies. However, by looking at the wind, a cold front seemed to have moved through around 7:00am. Before this the wind was from the South. By 6:53am it was from the NW at about 12mph. It was up to 16mph from the north by 9:53am. The humidity also dropped substantially. By 9:53am the humidity had dropped to 37%.
When the cool air from a cold front comes through, I always feel some invigoration. Perhaps this helped the runners. Or it could just be that these runners were in top condition and ran great races.
I've downloaded the race results from 2000 to 2004 Capitol 10Ks. I'll be posting various stats from these races and then after the race this Sunday, I'll start working on this year's race.
I'm looking for race results from previous capitol 10ks. You've written that you have those, but I can't find them. Have you posted them?
charles, at 6:08 AM
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